June 01, 2017

My wife and I attended Ragnar at the Zion Ponderosa Ranch in Utah.  It’s located a few miles east of Zion National Park.  May is an ideal time of year at this location and the weather did not disappoint.  It was gorgeous with perfect running conditions.  We met up with Adam who had a team which we rigged up with Kogalla Ra.  They were all pretty pumped to wear Ra for their night run.  Some of them chose to wear Ra on a running belt and others wanted it on their hydration pack.  With a roll of Velcro we were able to fasten Ra to whatever rig they chose.


Steph Fly By

As night fell we took a position near the end of one of the trail loops. This was a leg of the relay that Steph was running.  We watched as the headlamps appeared through the woods as small light dots that gradually came closer.


As they ran by us you could see the range of lights. Some barely shined a spot on the ground like this runner's headlamp. Note the two red lights that were placed as trail markers.


Others were carrying flashlights. This runner had a high-quality flashlight which did a good job lighting up a spot of ground in front of her. In the background we saw Steph coming... from a long way away. Not that we could see her, but Ra gave her away.  Her very bright light easily set her apart from the other runners.


As Steph ran by she lit up the whole area in front of her and to the sides not only giving her a great view of the trail, but peripheral vision as well.


To get the full impact of RA you really need to watch the video! Notice when the video starts, three lights that look like runners running together. Then notice how much further back Steph is. RA is so bright that it makes it look like they're all in a tight group.


Listen to the spectator comments which were captured on video.

“Wow, check out that light on her.”

“That’s amazing!”

“Whoa, I like that… we need that.”

“That’s like a headlight.”

“That’s like serious stuff..!”

"That is... huh."


More Comments 

As we walked around the venue in the dark while wearing our own Ra, we elicited similar comments.  One guy came up to us laughing as he had moved off the dirt road while we approached thinking we were a vehicle.


Our team had an awesome experience with lots of great things to say about their run with Ra.  Here are quotes from three of them:


“I've been running for nearly 20 years now. I've been on countless night runs over the years. I've always struggled with running [at night] with as much confidence as I do during the day due to lighting issues. I've tried various lighting options from head lamps to handheld flashlights worth no real success. 

The RA light changed that for me.   Having the light at hip level changes several things.   One it keeps my hands free to help in balance and stability.  Two it changes the light to create fewer shadows.  The RA light has almost 180 degrees field of view, awesome sauce!  It also has an adjustable depth of view with us adjustable intensity.  Furthermore, the RA light is a soft yellow led versus the obnoxious bright white, which is a more natural light similar to the sun. 

The RA light is a game changer for me.  Thanks for a terrific product.   I'll be a customer for life. 

Adam – Nephi, UT


“The lights were absolutely amazing. Solid, bright, and I loved not having to wear anything on my head nor carry a flashlight in my hands. My best run was after dark, because of these lights!  :-)

With the constant pressure headlamps have on the head, I get headaches and so I would typically carry a flashlight in my hand, which uses much more energy than hands free. Plus it leaves me with the inability to brace for a fall.

I could not believe all the compliments! I wish I'd have counted the times I heard people yell out awesome things about it. Nearly every person I passed out on the trails, and all those on the sidelines near transition were commenting.  Made me smile.

I'm still in awe at the steadiness of the light...no bouncing around like headlamps/handhelds. Solid. And awesome. You have a fantastic product!!”

Stephanie – San Diego, CA


“The Ra light belt was amazing! This was my 7th Ragnar but the 1st time that I have actually felt comfortable running at night. When doing the race you need to have good visibility a foot or two in front of you (for the obvious reason of seeing the path and not tripping) but you also need to see 10-15 feet ahead of you to watch for the directional arrows and other signs. In the past this has led to running with a headlamp, which is never comfortable to run in and a handheld flashlight. This time, the belt was all I needed! It was super bright and having the light on my waist allowed for a greater range of visibility.

I was very hesitant to run in the belt because I thought it would slide or bounce around or just feel heavy and uncomfortable. However, the belt stayed firmly in place and did not require any adjusting. I ran almost 11 miles wearing it and have zero complaints. I would definitely recommend the light belt to any runners!”                  

Ashley – San Diego, CA


“This last Ragnar Zion Trail relay was my 5th Ragnar Trail relay and my 8th total Ragnar relay, all of which have included night running.  Never before have I been more comfortable running at night.  I'll admit I love a night run under only the light of the moon, but that is not always possible. 

The RA light bar was by far the best single light I've ever run with.  The field of view, the depth of field, and the penetration of the light down the trail left me feeling like I was running in the day.  Especially down hills, I was so comfortable with the light output that I bombed down with as little apprehension as during the middle of the day.  Well done! 

I must have received over a dozen comments on the light... ‘whoah, nice light’!!    From almost every runner I passed and from every volunteer along the trail, it was clear to me that RA was received very well.” 

Daniel – San Diego, CA


Thanks to our team for being willing to try Ra in the race and for all the wonderful feedback they gave us.  We had a great time at Ragnar.  The crowd there are good people.  We look forward to the next event... which is Ragnar Wasatch Back.  See you there!

Dick Burnett @ Kogalla

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